This is everything you need to know about wedding DIY.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Project: Honor Candle
Project: Honor Candle
I then remembered the craft I had pinned at one point about transferring images onto candles, and wondered if I could combine the two, rather than having a sign. I thought it was a nice opportunity to personalize the gesture to craft something meaningful.

Cost/Materials: You'll need a lantern with a big enough glass face that you'll be able to read the candle through it. I got mine at AC Moore - they have a great selection and this one was originally about $10 I believe, but I used a 40% off coupon to only spend $6 on it. The candle I used was flameless, for two reasons (1) to avoid any open flame issues with the venue, although it probably wouldn't create an issue, and (2) because I didn't want the candle to actually melt and result in disfiguring the transfer I was going to put on it. The candle did need to be real wax, though, for the transfer process to work. It's "Nicole" brand, purchased at AC Moore, and was relatively inexpensive. Other materials you need include white tissue paper (Dollar Tree), any piece of regular 8.5''x11'' paper, tape, scissors, a heat gun or hairdryer, a printer (inkjet worked fine) and something to protect your hands from the heat such as gloves.
How I Did It: I created my transfer image in Powerpoint. The first thing I did was check the size of the candle (how big of a surface did I want to cover, how tall was the candle, etc.) and then change the page size to make sure I worked within those constraints. Then I wrote our message in and used the same pictures (sepia-toned) of our grandparents that I had used for the bouquet charms. To keep them all the same shape, you can see the process in the photo (crop, mask to shape, basic shapes, oval). I then gave them soft edges since the backgrounds were all different.
The next step was to wrap the tissue paper around the candle and start heating it up. I used a hairdryer for this, though I am sure a true crafting heat gun might have worked more easily. What happens is the wax starts to melt and basically soaks through the tissue paper, absorbing it into the candle. You can see it starting to happen in the picture to the right, in the spots where the tissue paper starts to become clear instead of white.
You'll want to work quickly once you see the wax soaking through, because if you let it go to long, things will start to morph. If you get to a point where it's starting to pool, it's okay to let the candle cool down and solidify and start again later before things get out of control. Same goes for any little pockets/air bubbles that come up, like this one you can see on the right side of the candle. I waited until it was cool, then gave it a concentrated shot of heat and bravely smoothed it down with my finger.
The Outcome: Here it is in the lantern! The candle looks cooler when you can see it flickering, but you get the idea.

Would I Do It Again: Yeah, this would be a fun craft to use in the future for other purposes, e.g., maybe transferring photos onto candles for an party or to give as a gift or something like that.
Project: A Lovely Love Story
Project: A Lovely Love Story

Cost/Materials: The dinosaurs are probably going to be the biggest cost if you do this project. I originally thought I would go with bigger ones (that would run closer to $6-10 a piece) but since I am perpetually cheap and found some adorable, albeit miniature, ones for $2 each plus coupon, I ended up with those. I got them at Michaels. Also at Michaels, I had picked up these black foam numbers and symbols, just because they were on clearance, but it ends up they worked out perfectly for the hat and bow tie. These could alternatively be made with paper/ribbon, but I like the look of the foam. The gemstones were another clearance find at 90 cents for the whole package, and the small piece of tulle was borrowed from a roll I got at Dollar Tree for a different project. I used super glue to keep the accessories on the dinosaurs. For the story, I used Vistaprint to get an 11''x17'' print to make the story easy to read at a distance wherever we set it up (I'm thinking near the photo booth so people have something to check out if they're waiting for their turn, or at the bar). I got a easel stand at Hobby Lobby to hold the story up, but it ends up it's too small because the poster print isn't as stiff as I thought it would be - I'll need to find something else.

The Outcome: They're looking ready for a wedding! I'm pretty pleased. Can't wait to see what it looks like all set up and whether people like it!
Lessons Learned/Tips: I learned that the "poster" stuff from Vistaprint isn't all that thick, so it's a bummer that I'll need a taller frame/easel to support the story, but not a big deal.
Would I Do It Again: Yes, but I might use slightly bigger dinosaurs. They are super super cute, but they're really dwarfed in comparison to the story (2.5'' dinos, 17'' tall story board).
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Project: Message in a Bottle
Project: Message in a Bottle

How I Did It: I made the note template in Microsoft Word, leaving some space in the left margin for where the hole would go. I tried a few different configurations/sayings, and my fiance helped me decide on the one I used ("Message for the bride & groom, from: _____". I used the "from" because sometimes I've seen at weddings activities like this and there's no direction to leave your name, but I'd love to know who the notes come from. They can always leave it blank if they want to share something anonymously, but I like the reminder to share who it's from. I printed these and cut them up, then it was time to add the string. To make the holes sufficiently strong, we (read: my mother) created reinforcements. As you can see in the picture, she punched out a bunch of yellow circles, then we used a tape runner to stick those to the note templates, then used the hole punch to put the hole right through the middle of the two. Then we added string, about 12 inches, to ensure people would have an easy enough time wrapping it around and tying it off. 12 might seem like a lot, so feel free to play around, but you'll find since it is automatically halved when you tie it on, then loses some as you wrap it around the note, it's really not all that much. For the "directions" sign, I made it in Microsoft Word using some fun fonts I got from I think picking a few fonts to use throughout the event/decor is a nice way to tie different types of decor together, and it helps it look a little fancier than if you're using good old Times New Roman.
The Outcome: Here it is!

Would I Do It Again: I'll have to re-evaluate this one after the wedding to see how successful it was, but overall I don't regret my efforts here. I might have printed the note sheets on cardstock to save the painstaking process of reinforcing all those hole punches, but what's done is done!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Project: Ring Box
Project: RingBox
Cost/Materials: The box itself I got for $1 at a craft store. I actually bought a couple different ones since they were so cheap; one option had a magnetic element that held it shut, but I liked the one with the actual hinge lock better. Plus, it looked sort of like a mini treasure-chest, and I thought our ring bearer would like that. The moss is overpriced at crafts stores - buy it elsewhere if you can! I got my bag (pictured) of reindeer moss at Dollar Tree for $1 and there is PLENTY in it to do this and probably some other projects if I think of any.
The Outcome: I love it! It didn't come out perfect (e.g., the letters are on slightly different horizontal planes), but I am totally okay with it. It's supposed to have that sort of hand-made, hand-loved look.
Also, when I originally tried this project with a different box (the magnetic one, that I ended up not going with), I closed the box after staining it, and it got stuck shut! I was able to pry it open, but be sure not to do something like this, as funny as it might be to see the best man struggle to get the rings out. :)
Would I Do It Again: Yup! Easy, and way cheaper than buying some fancy box online or in a store, plus you'll get to keep it around for ring storage if you need it. (I personally use a metal giraffe figurine ring holder... and I announce "regal giraffe!" roughly half the time when I put my ring on it).
Friday, June 19, 2015
Project: Bouquet Charms
Project: Bouquet Charms
Inspiration: I knew I wanted some ways to honor our several late grandparents, and I saw the bouquet charm idea online. What I liked most was the idea that they get to "walk down the aisle" with you.

The Outcome: I'm really pleased with these. They were easy to make, and are the perfect little sentimental detail for my bouquet.

Would I Do It Again: Yes, and I'll have to soon since I don't have the pictures from my fiance's side yet!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Project: Cork Heart
Project: Cork Heart

The Outcome: I am happy with it. Like I mentioned above, I wish the writing was a little better, but what can you do... I took a risk!
Would I Do It Again: I have plenty of corks leftover to maybe make something similar in the future, and it was simple enough! I'd maybe simplify even more by just doing a paper background within a shadow box or something like that. We'll see!
Check out my mom, helping me crank things out, burning the midnight oil! Thanks, Momma!
Project: Cork Letter Banners
Project: Cork Letter Banners

How I Did It: I started writing out some phrases, beginning with "We've decided on forever," then threaded a needle with the clear string. I put the needle into one side of the letter, about 3/4 of a centimeter down from the top of the letter, and did my best to keep it going straight through without it popping out the other end too far to one side or the other. Basically you want to make sure it's going to be secure, such that if the letter was tugged on it wouldn't fall off the line. As you put your phrase together, you want to make sure you're doing the letters in order and all facing the same direction. Each time I added one I pulled it a little further down the line to be sure the way I put it on matched up with the other letters. It's not difficult, but you're better safe than sorry! The toughest part about this was working the needle through some of the letters. Most of them weren't too tough, but some you really had to push, and pushing on the end of a needle doesn't work out well for flesh, so I started using a pair of pliers. Start the needle in where you want it, then use the pliers to push it as far as you can until it starts coming out the other end, then grab the part that is coming out with the pliers and pull it the rest of the way through. This honestly was tough for me, but I also have the hands of a child.

To have it ready for hanging, I was sure to leave plenty of the string on either end. My hope is our venue will have something we can either tie it to, or will allow us to use non-damaging 3M command hooks that a little loop of the string could be hung onto. We'll see what happens! I'm storing it hanging across a curtain rod so it doesn't get tangled up or warped.
The Outcome: I like it! The letters can be adjusted after they're on; the cork holds onto the string pretty tightly assuming you've used a small enough needle, so they have just the right balance of being adjustable but staying in place once you get them where you want them. Here is the main one I talked about, plus a photobooth directional sign I made while I was at it.
Lessons Learned/Tips: I tried painting the letters in our colors with acrylic paint, but it honestly didn't come out all that well. Just a heads up. It looked patchy and uneven so I definitely preferred them au naturale.
Also, because I'm a generally a stickler for grammar, I wasn't going to go without an apostrophe in the contraction ("we've"). I made this by cutting off part of an X since I figured it wasn't a letter I'd use many of. I actually cut it with the handy dandy wood burning tool I talked about in the last post. Cutting cork with scissors leaves a really uneven edge, but using the "exaco" type accessory on a heat tool lets you get a smooth finish. I also used it to do surgery on a few letters (turning Q into O, etc.) and creating an arrow for the photobooth sign.
Would I Do It Again: Sure. I bought a bunch of the boxes of letters so I can craft future things with them, not necessarily all banners. They're cheap, and I think they make a pretty bold statement.
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