Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My first post!

So I am very new to blogging (read: last time I "blogged" was on livejournal about a decade ago), but thought I'd give it a shot. I am planning my wedding right now and have come to realize a few things that made me want to blog, as I'm crafting my happily ever after:

- Wedding planning and crafting stuff is super fun for me. I am a planner at heart. I know it's not that way for everyone, so I wanted to share how I'm managing to get it done in case it helps anyone else.

- I found it SO helpful to read a few other blogs written by "real" brides (you know what I mean... the real nitty-gritty stuff, not the stylized shoot where professionals made a beautifully staged scene out of things completely impractical and/or fiscally unattainable, albeit aesthetically pleasing).

- I'm super blessed to have been brought up with a Do-It-Yourself mom, and to be surrounded by a craft army (my amazing aunts) who are able to help me get things done and done well. I know not everyone is surrounded by so many creatively inclined people, so I figured it would be nice to share the wealth by letting you know how we tackled the DIYs of my wedding.

- I am super thrifty and, as my other thrifty humans of the world know, us thrifty folk like to brag about our bargains. It's both a pat on the back for myself and a way to pay it forward to future thrifty brides to let them know where I found the best deals.

- I spent a lot of time sorting through the black hole that is Pinterest, and wanted to share with future brides how some of those things turned out in practice. We've all seen a good Pinterest fail or two... or three... or more. I'll be happy to share both the good and the bad and what I would have done differently.

Here's my plan:
I'll post about some of the crafts as I go. After the wedding I'll give some updates on how well different things worked on the day-of, since that's important info. But I know if I wait 'til after to get the ball rolling on posts it will be tough. So know that for the next year or so, these will all be "in progress" projects. :) I'll do my best to cite where my inspiration came from when appropriate.

Feel free to comment if there is something you like, something you don't, something you know how to do better/more efficiently. This is all for the betterment of wedding DIY knowledge!

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